We aren’t capable of bringing ourselves back to life after we die. To Believe Jesus Lived and Died is easy.

With the exception of a few, everyone dies, even Jesus….He rose from the dead to display HIS PURPOSE. His Life is a light that gives us ability to see His power, power over death.

Those who believe, follow His Light. What have you come to do? Live or Die? He saves us, if we BELIEVE.

Your true PURPOSE is to follow HIS LIGHT…..John 8:12



Gods Words are seeds intended for the heart.

Seeds are planted in dirt and water and sunlight causes growth.

Read Gods word with the intention of gaining knowledge of God.

Try this daily for 40 days…Proverb chapter 1,2,3



Wisdom has two sources, one is from man, the other is from God.

For Godly Wisdom one must explore the Life of His Son. This is why Jesus came to live in this world.

Ask, Seek, and Knock day after day. He promised to give you what you ask for.

The Word says “His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are Higher than ours” Isaiah 55:9

If you seek Godly Wisdom study the Life of Jesus, His work, His words, His ways, His will.

Start searching TODAY!



There is a light that came into the world, to give us ability to escape the darkness of this world.

Like small children who copy the actions of their parents Christians are those who claim to copy CHRIST.

Jesus is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD and His Light makes we who believe Gods Children.

When we copy Him we reflect His Light, which makes us CHILDREN OF LIGHT.

Can anyone see this reflection of Light coming from YOU TODAY?

Matt. 5: 13-14



One way to see the Image and Likeness of God is to focus on Gods Son.

Imagine a person that does everything right….A person that follows God in everything they do and say.

Yes, we are made to follow in his image and likeness….We must be willing to search in order to understand.

Relationship is to spend time as did His disciples who grew spiritually.

We have been made with ability to be like his Son. He showed Love, forgiveness, compassion, humility.

We can do all these and more through The IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF JESUS CHRIST. Gods Son.

Philippians 4:13


Promise Seekers Prayer

Father thank you for the time you have given us to seek your Kingdom.

This day on rest you set in place to give our spirits opportunity to become complete in obedience.

Thank you Father for the example You give us through Jesus Christ. Come-Union with Him.



Do you remember “Man does not live on bread alone”

Jesus said this in response to a certain temptation, and this response was from words written in scripture.

The Bible is scripture inspired by God, which feeds our spiritual growth. The spirit is stronger than both

mind and body, which both have endings. Be inspired by remembering where the spirit came from.

The spirit came from Gods mouth. He breathed the breath of Life into the nostrils.

Why worry about the body that doesn’t last? The food of the spirit is Gods Word.

Matthew 4:4 Now go there and feed your spirit.



Daily conversations with God enables spiritual growth.

Spiritual growth strengthens our faith, which gives us eyes to see and understand Gods plan.

Humble yourself in life’s storms…..Be Still And Know….Wait on Him.

He sent the storm to test your Faith.



Sometimes its difficult for a two year old child to obey their parents. Following parental guidance offers protection and direction.

Gods Word is the same because God is Good. He provides us with His plan through His instructions.

When we listen and follow life is better, IN HIS EYES.



Christians are people who follow Christ or claim to follow.

To be Christ-like is to live apart from the world, living in the world but not of the world.

Religion of man and religion of God is often seen as the same, but in many ways they are separate.

Jesus uses a parable of the Good Samaritan where men of religion ignore the greatest command.

James 1:27 Gods Religion is to care for orphans and widows and separate ourselves from the world.


Stay Connected

Our true purpose is to produce Fruit. Each day is a test to follow the message we find in Gods Word.

We need to hear and speak his words daily, like the vine needs water and SON-LIGHT.

He is the true vine and we are the branches, and our production of fruit is our true purpose.

Stay Connected! Apart from Him you can do nothing. John 15:5


Lasting Value

Holding on to your things seems like a good idea until their no longer of value.

The world puts value on temporary things, while the HOLY SPIRIT leads us to a New Way of Life.

When we let go of things and cling to the Maker of All things, then we experience Lasting Value.

So then, separate from things God made and cling to Gods Word. His name is Jesus.

The Way, The Truth, The Eternal Life. To find Him you must seek Him. So ask Him for Help.


The Message

Did you know that God’s Son said a prayer for us?

He prayed for all who believe him and accept him, he gave the right to become children of God.

Today we who believe pray this prayer.

Father we ask your help in growing our Faith. Help us remember the message, he gave.

He came as a Light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in him will no longer remain in the dark. Today let his Light be seen in us who believe.


Born Blind

Some people are born blind so others with sight can experience the power of God.

The sight of God enables humans Knowledge, understanding, and insight.

Only God can open the eyes of the Blind.

So we Pray, Jesus we know you came to give sight to those who say they have sight and you only have-

the power to open our eyes to the unseen.

John 9:39


Do Yourself a Favor

Try letting go of working for yourself for three days, and put all your energy into helping people.

At the end of each of the three days pray asking God to bless your work.

Show kindness to people and loyalty to God.

When you are kind you are achieving your true purpose.
